4 Uses for Coconut Oil

February 22, 2016

Happy Monday! 

People are obsessed and swear by coconut oil for everything, I am no different. I started using it about two years ago and I love it just as much as day one. There are a million (literally, I'm not lying) ways to use coconut oil and  I wanted to share 4 quick and easy ways I use it regularly. 

1. Makeup remover- slab some on and it will remove even the toughest waterproof mascara you have!
2. Moisturizer (face and body)- A little goes a very long way, especially on the face. 
3. Hair treatment- I use coconut oil to pre-poo, seal my products after a wash and go, and sometimes to mix into hair masks. 
4. Shaving- I just recently started doing this and I refuse to use shaving cream again, the coconut oil left my skin super soft and moisturized. 

I don't have a preference as to where I get my coconut oil but I do try to get the purest form. This one pictured is from Trader Joe's but it can also be found on Amazon and Walmart. I hope you guys  found this useful and get some coconut oil in your life! 


Trial Month is Over

February 5, 2016

Happy Friday! (and in my case, SNOW DAY)

On Instagram I've seen a meme that says  "2016 starts on February 1st and January was just a trial month", that couldn't be more true! I did some healthy eating and meal prepping in January but things are about to get real this month! I thought I would show you guys a day worths of meals from Monday. 

Before heading to the gym I had a green smoothie! 

Breakfast: 2 egg whites and toast with unsalted peanut butter. I have this almost everyday because 1) I love eggs and 2) It's easy and pretty much makes itself while I get ready. 

Lunch: I grilled some chicken breast with this store bought (but healthy) chickpea salad. 

Dinner: Turkey chili I made after getting home from work

So far I have not been planning my meals ahead of time, but I will start soon and will be sure to keep you guys posted.

Thanks for stopping by!! (and stay warm my fellow Bostonians)


My Favorite Green Smoothie

January 25, 2016

Happy Monday Guys!

Can you believe February is next week, how did that happen so fast! The semester begins tomorrow  for me and I am already stressed out.  As you guys know one of my New Years resolutions was to get healthier so here I am sharing my first green smoothie recipe (yay)! Although being healthier is a part of this years resolution I have been into making Green Smoothies for the past two years and find myself loving this one the most.

1/2 banana
1 cup of frozen fruits (mango, strawberry, and peaches)
LOTS of Spinach
*1 cup of brewed green tea

Green tea is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that adds to the wonderfulness of the smoothie.

I prefer to use my Magic Bullet because its small and gets the job done. It retails for $40, but you can find this Bella one for about $20! I recommend this one specifically because I had it before the magic bullet and it worked great! 

Hope you Try &Enjoy! 


New Year, New Me

January 4, 2016

Just kidding, so cliché of me (lol)! 

Happy New Year guys! I hope you all had an amazing holiday season and spent some time with friends and family. I spent both Christmas and New Years with my family and Adrian's family and had a good time. I just wanted to come on here and share my New Years Resolutions (which are also very cliché but necessary). Although there are a lot of things I could list, these two are the most important to me right now. Throughout the year I plan to make short term and long term goals that consist of school, work, and my personal life. 

1. Eat healthier/ Get in shape - Lately I have been eating horrible and can't even manage to do a push-up so making this my top priority for the New Year was a must. Eating healthy is not hard for me at all, I like cooking and as long as I plan ahead I do pretty good; Working out on the other hand is not my favorite. I would much rather stuff my face and then lay down and watch Netflix, but Netflix won't get me the healthy (and poppin') body I want. 

2. Save Money - A lot of things are going to change within the next couple of months and I really need to start becoming more financially responsible. Most of my purchases are wants, not necessities and it is probablly the main reason I suck at saving. I know this is very broad and I need to come up with a plan on how I'm going to begin saving, but I will.

Thanks for stopping by! 


Happy 6 Month Hairaversary!

December 11, 2015

Hey there! 

So in the midst of the last week of the semester and finals next week, I have completely ignored my hair and kept it in a bun all week. Yesterday I finally had some time to wash and deep condition so I did just that. My hair was begging for extra moisture so I even sat under the dryer for 15 minutes with the treatment (which I never do). While sitting under there I remembered 1) how much I DO NOT miss the heat and 2) that I was at my 6 months mark!  For a girl that sat under a dryer, blowdried, and flat ironed her hair weekly thats a long time. In six months my hair has changed so much and I can't wait to see how it continues to flourish

 I could not find a picture from June when I stopped straightening, but trust me it was  just as "wavy" and awkward as it was in August when I went to Miami. The first two months were rough because I couldn't figure out what worked and what did not (I still can't sometimes) but it has gotten a lot easier and I am learning something new every month.

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